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R.E.D. Internasjonal Dans, Kunst & Filmfestival


Kick-Off for årets RIFF24-festival

Kick-Off 25. april kl. 18:00 på Gjøvik Kino & Scene

Bli med oss på en uforglemmelig time med film, kunst og engasjement! Vi inviterer deg til å delta på Kick-Off for vår kommende Internasjonale dans, kunst og filmfestival RIFF.


Vi åpner med visning av dokumentarfilmen U.R.E.D.D. av Ella Fiskum og Caroline Kløvrud. Historien om oppstarten av R.E.D., låven på Eina, og ikke minst EINAWOOD. Et must for filmelskere og de som ønsker en dypere forståelse av den fantastiske kunstlåven på R.E.D., som er et regionalt kompetansesenter for dans.


Etter filmen vil vi ha en åpen diskusjon hvor vi deler tanker og refleksjoner om innholdet i U.R.E.D.D. I panelet sitter Ella Fiskum og Caroline Kløvrud, og det hele blir ledet av Gjøvik Kino & Scene. Bli med oss i samtalen!


Vi er begeistret over å ha koreograf Sølvi Edvardsen med oss, som vil gi oss et innblikk i den dyptpløyende soloforestillingen UNDER, med en av Norges beste samtidsdansere gjennom tidene: Cecilie Lindeman Steen. En sjelden sjanse til å høre fra en ekte kunstner om skapelsesprosessen bak en unik forestilling.


UNDER setter fokus på et økende samfunnsproblem - ensomhet. Forestillingen undersøker og visualiserer det mangfoldet av historier, minner og erfaringer et menneske bærer i seg og som vi i ulik grad trenger å dele med andre. Det er et tverrkunstnerisk verk med ny musikk, film og koreografi.


Vi gleder oss til å samle filmelskere, kunstinteresserte og alle som er nysgjerrige på en kveld fylt med inspirasjon og kreativitet. Merk datoen i kalenderen, og bli med på å starte festivalen vår på en uforglemmelig måte!



 R.E.D. Internasjonal Dans, Kunst & Filmfestival (RIFF) startet i juli 2015. Den finner sted på en gård med utsikt over Einafjorden, like utenfor Oslo. Omgitt av fantastisk norsk natur.


Formålet med festivalen er å bygge en bro mellom de ulike feltene innen scene- og billedkunst, og filmindustrien – derav undertittelen: dans, kunst & film.

Festivalen har som mål å vise filmer som har et sterkt innslag av bevegelse og dans, inkludert tverrfaglige uttrykk som screendance, kunstfilmer, til de mer tradisjonelle og konvensjonelle kortfilmene.

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RIFF SIXTH EDITION has been celebrated in the middle of a post COVID situation, when creators, as most people in the world, have been in constant alert and reflecting on art, humanity, equality, urban madness, age, feminine perspectives and all sort of transcendental ideas in the environment of a health and social crises. The festival received very interesting films. Hence the films that the jury chose to be part of the award have not only intensity in their metaphors and narratives, but also have a high level in terms of art completion and in composition as films that have certain relation with dance and art. Also some chosen films are more traditional feature or short films.
The official selection is a collection of films from all over the world, including four films from Norway, and consists of dance film, screendance, art film, short film, feature film and documentaries. 
The jury has selected 4 short films and 2 long films to be awarded and 2 other films to receive an Honorary Mention. All awarded films are so different between them, then, RIFF AWARD 2021 is a good example of the diversity that RIFF has been including in the festival. We are so proud to announce this award, which contains 2 films make by Norwegian creators.
The jury was formed by Caroline Kløvrud (No), Cecilie Lindeman Steen (No), Ella Fiskum (No) and Yolanda M. Guadarrama (Mx).
And we also have a winner chosen by the audience. 

Short Films: art-dance-cinema
“The End of Originality”, by Laura Zayan. Norway.
“Contemplation of Catastrophe”, by Nayeli Benhumea. Mexico.
“Swans in stone”, by Solveig Leinan-Hermo. Norway.
“Dante Sonata”, by Margaret Williams. United Kingdom.

Long films:
Feature film: “AVIVA”, by Boaz Yakin. United States.
Documentary: “Butterfly Dresses”, by Camille Auburtin. France.

Short films: art-dance-cinema:
“Shivering wall”, by Tseng Yu Chin. Taiwan.

“TRIXIE”, by Bastien Genoux. Switzerland.


RIFF celebrates dance- art and cinema- (hence the subtitle of the festival), so diversity is one of the most important principles for us.


In this fifth edition there are powerful, visual, poetic, and provocative films, as well as realistic short films, humanist, humoristic, ecological, dance-theater films, documentaries about dance and art, animations, and local culture.


The jury decided to keep several films as equal winners, because they represent the variety of the festival. The link between these films is that they are related to dance and movement, even though some are more experimental and others conceptual.

-Short films (under 20 min,):

-Feature-length/documentaries (over 20 min):
-Short films (under 20 min): CLÉMENTINE, COSMIC FLING.
-Feature-length/documentaries (over 20 min): BORN JUST NOW.



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This year, the complete selection of films at RIFF was done by looking for a variety of origins, conceptions of camera-body-movement, and different aesthetic and ideological choices that could reflect the present diversity of points of view characteristic in short narrative films related to movement, dance film, art film and screendance.


In consequence to this criterion, the selection of the awarded films is oriented to mark: the achievements reached by the reflection on the limits of the language of the selected films; and the intensity of feelings provoked to the viewer that each film is able cause, according with its own thematic, ideological direction and effective audiovisual tools used to tell what is meant to state.




Jury Awards

ARE YOU VOLLEYBALL? By Mohammad Bakhshi
BÓRIA by Iwona PasiÅ„ska
THIS DANCE HAS NO END by Fenia Kotsopoulou
THE BIG RACE by John Williams
KAORI ITO, A BODY OF LIFE by Tatjana Jankovic
Jury: Ella Fiskum, RIFF director (NO); Susana Temperley, specialist in Art Critic and Divulgation (AR); Yolanda M. Guadarrama, RIFF Curator (MX).
Audience Awards

ARE YOU VOLLEYBALL? By Mohammad Bakhshi
VARIATION OF SUSPENSION | DROP. By David Alræk, Katrine Patry & Lisa Collete Bysheim


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